If you’re anything like me, you have 65,788 photos in your phone, yet only a mere 75 of those actually include YOU. Always the documenter, rarely the documented, right?

And while living in the moment is wonderful, you also want to relive those treasured memories for years to come. The trouble is, you're usually the one behind the camera.

That's where I come in.

Your go-to natural-light portrait photographer, ready to capture some incredible moments.

My photography journey started in college back in 2012, and I fell in love with the creative outlet. Life got a tad (okay, maybe a lot!) busy, and I had to temporarily set my camera aside. But I never truly let go — I stayed connected with a select group of families each year, ensuring the spark stayed alive. 

And then, the most magical chapter began – my precious daughter, Sidney, came into my life. Becoming a mom made me appreciate the power of photographs even MORE. Time slips through our fingers like sand, and each chapter of life is a treasure that deserves to be cherished and preserved. And that’s when I knew I had to embrace my passion full-time and share it with all of you. 

So, if you're looking to turn your heart-happy memories into timeless treasures – I'm your girl!